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{{News_widget| [[News/2014/9/New_wiki_skin_powered_by_bootstrapskin | New wiki skin powered by bootstrapskin]] |[[news/2014/03/25/android-4-4-2-preview-firmware-released/ | Android 4.4.2 preview image released]] |[[news/2014/03/20/radxa-at-maker-faire-shenzhen-2014/ | radxa at maker fair in Shenzhen]] | [[news/2014/03/18/ubuntu-desktop-release-update-enabling-opengl-es-acceleration/ | Ubuntu desktop release update]]}}

Revision as of 01:41, 24 September 2014

radxa at Maker Faire Shenzhen 2014

Community Updates

Maker Faire is The Greatest Show and Tell on Earth. It’s the third Maker Faire in Shenzhen. Radxa, as one of the few open hardware start up in Shenzhen wouldn’t miss it. We will be at the booth C-21.


We will show the kiosk based on radxa rock which can show triggered AD based on the audiences. And we will unveil some products from radxa upcoming…

You can download the booth map here and the Maker Faire manual here.

Welcome to visit :)

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