Rock/hardware docs
< Rock
- Schematic of board revision 2013.10.25 (pdf)
- Schematic of board revision 2014.06.10 (Rock Pro) (pdf)
- Board dimensions file (dxf) for rock - Open with LibreCAD under Linux and AutoCAD under Windows.
- Board dimensions file (dxf) for rock pro - Open with LibreCAD under Linux and AutoCAD under Windows.
- Components position reference for rock top(pdf) bottom(pdf)
- Components position reference for rock pro top and bottom(pdf)
- CPU - RK3188 brief specification, RK3188 technical reference manual(TRM).
- PMU - ACT8846
- Wifi/BT Module - BL-8723RB1 or RTL8188ETV (only has wifi)
- Ethernet - LAN8720A
- AVOUT&code - RK1000s
- HDMI Chip(rock only) - IT66121FN
- HDMI and LVDS dual output(rock pro) - RK616
More documents of the hardware can be found at: