Rock/hardware revision
[hide]This page describe the difference in hardware of all rock hardware revisions.
Revision 2013.08.12 (Engineering samples)
The first batch of radxa rock samples, also called radxa rock engineering samples, only 100pcs are made (Limited Edition :). Almost everything work fine on this revision. However there is still some small issue such as
- The HDMI connector is too close to the SPDIF jack, may conflict with some big header of the HDMI cable
- The UART can be damaged sometimes by some 5V TTL to USB cable (Warning: do use 3.3V TTL to USB cable)
- The reset key is acted as POWER halt function, rebooting the board need to press the reset key and then the power key.
Pictures (Radxa Rock Engineering Samples)
Revision 2013.10.25 (First MP version)
This is the first MP version of radxa rock, which fixed all the known issue on the 2013.08.12 revision. Since the position of the HDMI connector is moved a little bit. Some cases of this revision can not be used on previous revision, except the very simple case. The software are the same with previous revisions.
What hardware improvement on the previous version
Circuit side
- Add UART protection for the 5V TTL to USB cable (But 3.3V TTL to USB cable is recommended)
- Add power control for the USB OTG
- Add 3.3V power reservation for the RTC
PCB side
- Change the "radxa rock" text to the radxa logo :)
- 1mm more space between HDMI and SPDIF connector
- Change the color of status led1 from yellow to blue
- Change some label print to more readable text such as DC5v@2A, Rst to Reset
- Better footprint of the crystal of the USB hub
- Schematic(.pdf)
- Dimension file(.dxf)
- Components position reference top bottom
Pictures (Radxa Rock)
Revision 2014.06.10 (Rock Pro)
This is the new hardware revision for the rock based on the feature requirement from the community. The major improvements are:
- Add LVDS interface (FPC connector at the bottom of the board)
- Add touch panel interface
- Add CSI interface for camera module
- Add speaker driver circuit on board
- Others remain the same of the rock
- Schematic(.pdf)
- Dimension file(.dxf)
- Components position reference top & bottom
Pictures (Radxa Rock Pro)
Revision 2014.06.10 (Rock Lite)
This is the new hardware revision for the rock based on the feature requirement from the community. The major improvements are:
- Add LVDS interface (FPC connector at the bottom of the board)
- Add touch panel interface
- Add CSI interface for camera module
- Add speaker driver circuit on board
- No Nand, 1G DDR
The hardware is the same with pro except no nand and 1G DDR, so you can refer to the pro's hardware reference
- Schematic(.pdf)
- Dimension file(.dxf)
- Components position reference top & bottom