- both Rockchip proprietary USB protocol and fastboot USB protocol are supported (Rockchip USB tools works)
- format of partitions (images) are compatible to Rockchip proprietary bootloader (rkcrc, mkbootimg works)
- (need more investigation...)
For NAND flash
Refer install toolchain if you don't have arm-eabi- on your system. Other toolchain(Linaro arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc 4.9) may cause data abort errors.
git clone -b u-boot-rk3188 cd u-boot-rockchip make rk30xx
The binary we need for nand flash are RK3188Loader_miniall.bin and uboot.img.
refer flash image page
use the new u-boot to erase the old loader
sudo upgrade_tool ef RK3188Loader_miniall.bin
flash new loader
sudo upgrade_tool ul RK3188Loader_miniall.bin
format NAND (first time only)
sudo upgrade_tool lf
flash parameter
upgrade_tool di -p parameter
paramter file
FIRMWARE_VER:4.2.2 MACHINE_MODEL:radxa_rock MACHINE_ID:007 MANUFACTURER:RADXA MAGIC: 0x5041524B ATAG: 0x60000800 MACHINE: 3066 CHECK_MASK: 0x80 KERNEL_IMG: 0x60408000 CMDLINE:console=ttyFIQ0,115200 console=tty0 root=/dev/block/mtd/by-name/linuxroot rw rootfstype=ext4 init=/sbin/init mac_addr=de:ad:de:ad:be:ef initrd=0x62000000,0x00800000 mtdparts=rk29xxnand:0x00002000@0x00002000(uboot),0x00008000@0x00004000(boot),-@0x000c0000(linuxroot)
flash U-Boot
sudo upgrade_tool wl 0x2000 uboot.img sudo upgrade_tool rd
flash kernel + ramdisk
upgrade_tool di -b boot-linux.img
flash root fs
upgrade_tool di linuxroot rootfs.img
Booting log can be found at:
For SD card
Refer install toolchain if you don't have arm-eabi- on your system. Other toolchain(Linaro arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc 4.9) may cause data abort errors.
git clone -b u-boot-rk3188-sdcard cd u-boot-rockchip make rk30xx ./
The binary we need for sdcard is u-boot-sd.img.
sudo dd if=u-boot-sd.img of=/dev/sdx seek=64
Insert the uSD card to rock pro, it will boot from u-boot on uSD card.
Some important files and directories related to the Rockchip platform:
* UserManual - documentation * include/configs/rk30xx.h - configuration file * tools/rk_tools
* board/rockchip ├── common │ ├── armlinux │ ├── common │ │ ├── A8MMU │ │ ├── crc │ │ ├── emmc │ │ ├── fat │ │ ├── rc4 │ │ ├── rockusb │ │ ├── serial_p9 │ │ └── SPI │ └── platform │ ├── rk2928 │ └── rk30 └── rk30xx
* arch/arm/cpu/armv7/rk30xx * arch/arm/include/asm/arch-rk30xx
If something goes wrong and your device doesn't boot anymore, read Unbrick Rock.
External links
- (some improvement)