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Radxa Rock(Pro/Lite)

Radxa Rock is a RK3188 based SBC(Single Board Computer) by Radxa. It has a quad core ARM processor, can run android or some Linux distributions. It also features 80 pin 2.54mm headers, which makes it easy to connect other sensors or use the GPIO.

Getting started

The Radxa Rock is shipped with Android 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean) and Ubuntu/Linaro 13.09 dual boot on the NAND flash (on-board storage) and it works out of the box(Rock Pro is shipped with Android 4.4.2(Kitkat) on NAND flash). Let's read Radxa Rock Getting Started Guide and hook everything up and start playing with the board.

Once you get started, you can flash latest Android image and several Linux images, or you can try to boot Android/Linux from SD card. You can also build your own Android, build your own kernel, build your own Ubuntu root file system, or whatever you want.


Before you ask any questions about the Radxa Rock check if your question has already been asked and answered Radxa Rock FAQ.


Visit the download page to get the download link and description of the source code, tools, images etc