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< RockpiE‎ | dev
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    ROCK Pi E >  Development >  Using adb


  • ROCK Pi E mainboard
  • eMMC module
  • Power adapter
  • USB Male A to Dupont cable.
    • One port is Male A type and the other includes three Dupont lines.
    • Hardware connection
ROCK Pi E 40-pin Header USB Interface USB Male A to Dupont Cable
PIN#18 Data+ Green wire
PIN#16 Data- White wire
PIN#14 GND Black wire


Hardware support

Support hardware platform:

  • ROCK Pi S V1.1
  • ROCK Pi S V1.2

You'd better follow the installation steps.



Refer Windows ADB


Refer Linux ADB

ADB Usage

When you have adb driver installed on PC, below are some common used adb commands:

Check adb devices

 $ adb devices
 List of devices attached 
 0123456789ABCDEF	device


 $ adb shell

And type /bin/bash followed by Enter key to switch to bash shell.

 $ adb shell
 # /bin/bash

Transmit files from PC to ROCK Pi E

 $ adb push <local path> <remote path>


On PC, input the following in Terminal

 $ adb push /tmp/ /home/rock
 0 KB/s (26 bytes in 0.045s)

Check on ROCK Pi E

 root@rockpis:/home/rock# cat 
 How do you do! ROCK Pi E!

Transmit files from ROCK Pi E to PC

 $ adb pull <remote path> <local path>


 $ adb pull /home/rock/ /tmp/
 0 KB/s (19 bytes in 0.086s)
 $ cat /tmp/ 
 How do you do! PC!



If adb device is not detected on host PC, try to ssh or use serial console first and try the following:

Firstly, update rockchip-overlay and kernel packages.

 $ sudo apt-get install -y rockchip-overlay # >= 2.2
 $ sudo apt-get install -y linux-4.4-rockpis # >= 4.4.143-34-rockchip

Secondly, install rockchip-adb package.

 $ sudo apt-get install -y rockchip-adb # >= 0.3

Finally, start rockchip service

 $ sudo systemctl start rockchip-adb