Radxa News
Official Announcement
The radxa rock/pro is shipped with an acrylic case along with the main board. The full transparent acrylic case looks very beautiful but it also has some disadvantages such as easy to break and hard to put together the first time. There are some other cases for the rock family i want to introduce to the community today.
Metallic case by Cenique
Cenique provides digital signage solutions, one of their model is based RR so they designed the metallic case for RR. The case fits RR well and export all the interfaces except the extension headers. Eight screws keep the case and RR tight inside the case. There is also VESA mounting holes for mounting the case somewhere else.
Node.js® is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications. Our forum Radxa Talk is an example of application based on node.js. Developer @jdarling has made the library for interfacing with the Radxa Rock's GPIO.
@jdarling told me that "I can control LED's, Motors, Relays, and get inputs from Buttons, Digital Sensors, etc really well now. I tried controlling a Servo but the IO response times with the sloppy nature of JavaScripts timing and eventing system pretty much make that a no go.
I've also successfully used the Serial UART with no problems. Still need to get my hands on some type of SPI device before I can say that SPI/I2C works, I know there is code needed to fix that one but without anything to test with not going far with that :).
@jdarling also provides a sdcard image with node.js ready to use. Click read more to join the discussion of node.js on radxa rock.
As you have noticed that we now have a new simple but beautiful skin for our wiki. The new skin is called bootstrapskin and it's brought us by the bootstrapskin team from uk. Lee and his team is really doing great work for the mediawiki skins. I found their skin by google "best mediawiki skin" and then someone recommends it on Quora. When i see the bootstrapskin website(of course it's mediawiki). It's exactly what i was looking for.
I am happy to announce the preview release of the Android KitKat 4.4.2 image for Radxa Rock.
Notes for this release:
This release is for Radxa Rock full version only, the lite version will have wifi problem It’s basically a full working release version, including: HDMI, Audio, Ethernet, Wifi/Bluetooth, USB host, uSD card Green led is on, blue led is off when system booting up The 13 key simple IR remote from radxa works out of the box Google play and other google service is not included in this release The default Android Launcher doesn’t look good in big monitor or TV, we are considering pre-install some cool launcher Pre-installed some apps developed by Rockchip Download:
Maker Faire is The Greatest Show and Tell on Earth. It’s the third Maker Faire in Shenzhen. Radxa, as one of the few open hardware start up in Shenzhen wouldn’t miss it. We will be at the booth C-21.
We will show the kiosk based on radxa rock which can show triggered AD based on the audiences. And we will unveil some products from radxa upcoming…