Node.js® is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications. Our forum Radxa Talk is an example of application based on node.js. Developer @jdarling has made the library for interfacing with the Radxa Rock's GPIO.
@jdarling told me that "I can control LED's, Motors, Relays, and get inputs from Buttons, Digital Sensors, etc really well now. I tried controlling a Servo but the IO response times with the sloppy nature of JavaScripts timing and eventing system pretty much make that a no go.
I've also successfully used the Serial UART with no problems. Still need to get my hands on some type of SPI device before I can say that SPI/I2C works, I know there is code needed to fix that one but without anything to test with not going far with that :).
@jdarling also provides a sdcard image with node.js ready to use. Click read more to join the discussion of node.js on radxa rock.