ROCK Pi E > Install > Install on eMMC module
[hide]Step1: Requirements
This page describe how to download and install the image on an eMMC module and boot on ROCK Pi E. You need at least the following.
- an eMMC module, you can buy it from radxa distributor, the eMMC module from Odroid or PINE64 also works on ROCK Pi E.
- an eMMC to microSD breakout board
- a microSD card reader, either a USB card reader or the SD card reader on laptop
- a PC/laptop running Windows or Linux or MacOS
You also need the following to run on ROCK Pi E
- ROCK Pi E board with power supply
Step 2: Download necessary tools and image
- Etcher is the tool we use to write image. Download the right Etcher for your PC from RockpiE/downloads page and install it. Check [Etcher website] for more info about Etcher.
- Choose the image you want to install from RockpiE/downloads page and unzip it. The unzipped image name is like below:
We will use it for the writing.
Step 3: Write the image to eMMC module
3.1 Plug and click the eMMC module to the eMMC to uSD breakout board, plug the breakout board to microSD card reader. Plug the card reader on PC.
3.2 Run the application, for example, by executing the command on Ubuntu 16.04:
$ /bin/bash etcher-etcher-electron-1.4.5-x86_64.AppImage
3.3 In the etcher window, we click button Select image.
3.4 In the etcher window, we click button Select Drive.
3.5 In the etcher window, we click button Flash.
3.6 In the etcher window, it shows us Flash Complete!
Done! Now you have successfully installed the OS image on eMMC module.