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    ROCK Pi E >  Ubuntu

Work with ROCK Pi E Ubuntu

Introduction to ROCK Pi E Ubuntu

ROCK Pi E UBuntu is an easy to use system. While working with ROCK Pi E Ubuntu, you will find it do well on playing music, playing video, Internet, Bluetooth and so on.

ROCK Pi E Debian uses systemd to manage system.

Here Need one USB to TTL serial cable. Or use SSH.

UBuntu Default User Account

Non-root User:

   User Name : rock
   Password  : rock

Install and update necessary packages

Add Radxa APT, see Radxa APT.

Install packages;

 $ sudo apt-get update
 $ sudo apt-get install -y rockchip-overlay
 $ sudo apt-get install -y linux-4.4-rockpie-latest

Network Connection

There are two methods for network connection. One is Ethernet and the other is WIFI.

Ethernet Connection

ROCK Pi E provides dual ethernets. You can use two network cables at the same time to connect your ROCK Pi E to the network. The ROCK Pi E will automatically configure the network for your surfing on the Internet.

To test the Ethernet, we need to follow the steps:
  • Switch to super user mode by command
 $ sudo su
  • Check whether the Ethernet is normal by command, ifconfig, which would show us two network cards, eth0 and eth1, and the Ethernet IP address. Also, use tool, ping, to connect to a normal domain.
 $ ifconfig
 $ ping -I eth0
 $ ping -I eth1

WiFi Connection

When there is not a network cable for your ROCK Pi E the WIFI connection is another good choice. ROCK Pi E supports 2.4G/5G WiFi wireless network.

To test the WiFi performance, we need to follow the steps:
  • Switch to super user mode
 $ sudo su
  • Open the WiFi
 $ nmcli r wifi on
  • Scan WiFi
 $ nmcli dev wifi
  • Connect to WiFi network
 $ nmcli dev wifi connect "wifi_name" password "wifi_password"
  • Test WiFi perpormance by tool iperf.


Update necessary packages

 $ sudo apt-get update
 $ sudp apt-get install -y rockchip-overlay
 $ sudo apt-get install -y linux-4.4-rockpie-latest # kernel version(>=4.4.194-7-rockchip)
 $ sudo apt-get install -y realtek-bt-firmware bluez

Check Bluetooth service

 $ systemctl status bluetooth

Run Bluetooth service if the Bluetooth service is inactive.

 $ systemctl start bluetooth

Start realtek-btfw-load service

 $ systemctl start realtek-btfw-load

Check Bluetooth device

 $ hciconfig
 root@rockpie:~# hciconfig
 hci0:   Type: Primary  Bus: USB
       BD Address: 7C:A7:B0:22:82:C5  ACL MTU: 1021:8  SCO MTU: 255:12
       RX bytes:5120 acl:0 sco:0 events:100 errors:0
       TX bytes:2904 acl:0 sco:0 commands:74 errors:0

Example: Connect to Bluetooth Speaker.

Change to root mode.

 $ sudo su

Install pulseaudio packages

 # apt-get install -y pulseaudio-module-bluetooth pulseaudio

Run pulseaudio

 # pulseaudio --start

Connect using bluetoothctl

 # bluetoothctl
 [bluetooth]# default-agent 
 [bluetooth]# power on
 [bluetooth]# scan on
 [bluetooth]# trust 77:EC:79:4F:6B:AC
 [bluetooth]# pair 77:EC:79:4F:6B:AC
 [bluetooth]# connect 77:EC:79:4F:6B:AC

Play songs and enjoy it.

Common Hardware Interfaces, I2C, SPI, UART, etc

The ROCK Pi E system images use /boot/uEnv.txt to configure hardware interfaces.

Remember there is only one line includeing item "overlays=" in file /boot/uEnv.txt.

For more details about device tree overlays, see Device Tree Overlays.


To enable I2C-1 (/dev/i2c-1), add item "rk3328-i2c1" to the "overlays=" line.



To enable SPI0, add item "rk3328-spi-spidev" to the "overlays=" line.



The debugger console baud rate options: 1500000n8 and 115200n8.

To set ttyS1 as debugger console, add item "rk3328-uart1" to the "overlays=" line. Also need to set console value.


To set ttyS2 as debugger console, add item "rk3328-uart2" to the "overlays=" line. Also need to set console value.


To set ttyS1 as common serial communication, add item "rk3328-uart1" to the "overlays=" line. The device /dev/ttyS1 is available.


To set ttyS2 as common serial communication, add item "rk3328-uart2" to the "overlays=" line. The device /dev/ttyS2 is available.





  • Automatically load Bluetooth firmware after system startup.
  • Available for at least 256 MB DDR SDRAM
  • Default non-root user: rock (password: rock)
  • Default serial console: UART2
  • Hostname: rockpie
  • Kernel version: 4.4.194-12-rockchip-g615ae7431150
  • Resize root filesystem to fit available disk space for the first boot
  • System partitions: boot and rootfs
  • Support SSH by default.
  • Support uEnv and boot.scr
  • The version of systemd: 237
  • U-boot version: 2019.10-11661-g46695f4700