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Zero/install/eMMC Android

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    Radxa Zero >  Installation >  Install Android to eMMC

How to install Android to Radxa Zero eMMC

This guide describes how to install Android to Radxa Zero eMMC. Currently there are two types of Android image that can be flashed on Radxa Zero: Android OTA image, which is a zip archive with multiple smaller img files in it; and amlupdate image, which is just one big img file. Android OTA image is a standard image format that can be flashed by fastboot tool, while amlupdate image is a proprietary format and requires aml-flash-tool. This guide will only cover Android OTA image format. User of amlupdate image should follow this guide instead.


  • Radxa Zero
  • A PC/laptop running Windows, Linux, or macOS
  • USB A to C cable or C to C cable, depending on your host
  • Android 9 image, which should be unzipped after downloading, and you will find files like this in the folder:
   $ ls
   android-info.txt  dtbo.img  product.img   vbmeta.img
   boot.img          dt.img         logo.img      recovery.img  vendor.img
   bootloader.img    flash-all.bat  odm.img       system.img

bootloader.img will be needed later to run Zero in fastboot mode.


Step 1: Wipe eMMC

Please follow this guide to wipe eMMC. Do not close RZ USB Boot Helper when you finish.

Step 2: Flash Android 9

Select extracted bootloader.img in RZ USB Boot Helper, and click Run to run Radxa Zero in fastboot mode.

Then Open Windows PowerShell from the Start Menu and execute this command to install fastboot tool:

   iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

Execute flash-all.bat from extracted Android 9 image folder to flash all partitions to eMMC.

If Zero did not reboot automatically after flashing, you should reconnect USB cable to reboot it.

Linux & macOS

For Linux and macOS, we use amlogic boot tool to download the bootloader and boot the Zero into the USB Disk mode. This is to expose the eMMC to host PC as a USB Disk. Then we can use dd or other tools to write images to the USB Disk(eMMC).

Step 1: Wipe eMMC

Please follow this guide to wipe eMMC. Please follow till the end of the guide so you are in the correct mode for next step.

Step 2: Flash Android 9

Nexus Tools is an installer for the Android SDK Platform Tools package, which includes ADB, Fastboot, and other applications. We use Nexus Tools to install fastboot. If you already have fastboot installed, you can skip this step.

   bash <(curl -s

After it finishes, which fastboot should return you the install location.

Now execute from your extracted Android folder to flash all partitions images to eMMC

   $ ./ 
   error: no devices/emulators found
   OKAY [  0.040s]
   Finished. Total time: 0.040s
   OKAY [  0.039s]
   Finished. Total time: 0.039s
   Finished. Total time: 0.038s
   Rebooting                                          OKAY [  0.002s]
   Finished. Total time: 0.454s

If Zero did not reboot automatically after flashing, you should reconnect USB cable to reboot it.


1. How to erase Android?


  • To erase partitions
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/<emmc device> bs=1M count=500

2. Why is there no fastboot device?

A: If the board not able to run into fastboot, please try:

  • If you can boot to android, try "adb reboot fastboot" or (uart console) "reboot fastboot"
  • If you can visit u-boot console, execute command "fastboot"