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    ROCK Pi S >  Hardware >  Display

Waveshare 3.5inch RPI LCD

For Waveshare 3.5inch RPI LCD, both display and touch are two spi devices.

Due to the hardware limitation with only one CS for spi2 of ROCK Pi S, Waveshare 3.5inch RPI LCD only supports display but touch.

The Waveshare 3.5inch RPI LCD works as a framebuffer device.


Waveshare 3.5inch RPI LCD Model B V2.0.

Waveshare 3.5inch RPI LCD Model C.


We recommend you that you use the system images released after March 1st, 2020.

Step 1: Modifying configuration files.

For those ROCK Pi S system images released after March 1st, 2020, use configuration file, /boot/uEnv.txt. See ROCK Pi S DTBO to know more about uENv.txt and dtbo.

Append one of the following lines to 'overlays=' line in /boot/uEnv.txt.


Example of adding dtbo :

Step 2: Install required display packages
 $ sudo apt-get update
 $ sudo apt-get install -y xserver-xorg-video-fbdev
Step 3: Modify /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-modesetting.conf

Backup and clean the contents of file, /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-modesetting.conf. Then add the following lines to it:

 Section "Device"
     Identifier  "Rockchip Graphics"
     Driver      "fbdev"
     Option      "fbdev"          "/dev/fb0"
     Option      "DRI"            "2"

You need to checkout the device, "/dev/fb0" or "/dev/fb1".

Reboot ROCK Pi S.
