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< Rockpi4
Revision as of 09:48, 28 November 2019 by Ahren (Talk | contribs)

Build environment setup

Recommend build host is Ubuntu 16.04 64bit, for other hosts, refer official Android documents [Establishing a Build Environment](

   $ mkdir -p ~/bin
   $ wget '' -P ~/bin
   $ chmod +x ~/bin/repo

In China Download Repo:

   $ curl -o repo
   $ export REPO_URL=''

Android's source code primarily consists of Java, C++, and XML files. To compile the source code, you'll need to install OpenJDK 8, GNU C and C++ compilers, XML parsing libraries, ImageMagick, and several other related packages.

   $ sudo apt-get update
   $ sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk python git-core gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential \
                          zip curl liblz4-tool zlib1g-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386 \
                          lib32ncurses5-dev x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32z-dev ccache \
                          libgl1-mesa-dev libxml2-utils xsltproc unzip mtools u-boot-tools \
                          htop iotop sysstat iftop pigz bc device-tree-compiler lunzip \
                          dosfstools vim-common parted udev lzop

Configure the JAVA environment

   $ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
   $ export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
   $ export CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/lib:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar

Download source code

   $ mkdir rockpi4-android9
   $ cd rockpi4-android9

Then run:

   $ ~/bin/repo init -u -b rockpi-box-9.0 -m rockpi-release.xml
   $ repo sync -j$(nproc) -c

It might take quite a bit of time to fetch the entire AOSP source code(around 86G)!

Build u-boot

   $ cd u-boot
   $ ./ rk3399
   $ cd ..

The generated images are **rk3399_loader_v_xxx.bin** , **idbloader.img** and **uboot.img**

Building kernel

   $ cd kernel
   $ make rockchip_defconfig
   $ make rk3399-rockpi-4b.img -j$(nproc)
   $ cd ..

Building AOSP

Android TV:

   $ source build/
   $ lunch rk3399_box-userdebug
   $ make -j$(nproc)

Android Tablet:

   $ source build/
   $ lunch rk3399-userdebug
   $ make -j$(nproc)

It takes a long time, take a break and wait...

Generate images

   $ ln -s RKTools/linux/Linux_Pack_Firmware/rockdev/ rockdev
   $ ./

The generated images under rockdev/Image are

   ├── boot.img
   ├── dtbo.img
   ├── idbloader.img
   ├── kernel.img
   ├── misc.img
   ├── oem.img
   ├── parameter.txt
   ├── pcba_small_misc.img
   ├── pcba_whole_misc.img
   ├── recovery.img
   ├── resource.img
   ├── system.img
   ├── trust.img
   ├── uboot.img
   ├── vbmeta.img
   └── vendor.img

   $ cd rockdev
   $ ln -s Image-rk3399(TV:Image-rk3399_box) Image
   $ ./

   simg2img system.img
   simg2img vendor.img
   simg2img oem.img
   idbloader       64              16383           8.000000       MB
   Warning: The resulting partition is not properly aligned for best performance.
   uboot           16384           24575           4.000000       MB
   trust           24576           32767           4.000000       MB
   misc            32768           40959           4.000000       MB
   resource        40960           73727           16.000000      MB
   kernel          73728           139263          32.000000      MB
   dtb             139264          147455          4.000000       MB
   dtbo            147456          155647          4.000000       MB
   vbmeta          155648          157695          1.000000       MB
   boot            157696          223231          32.000000      MB
   recovery        223232          354303          64.000000      MB
   backup          354304          583679          112.000000     MB
   security        583680          591871          4.000000       MB
   cache           591872          1640447         512.000000     MB
   system          1640448         6883327         2560.000000    MB
   metadata        6883328         6916095         16.000000      MB
   vendor          6916096         7964671         512.000000     MB
   oem             7964672         9013247         512.000000     MB
   frp             9013248         9014271         0.500000       MB
   userdata        9014272         9014271         0.000000       MB
   Warning: The resulting partition is not properly aligned for best performance.

The images under rockdev/Image are `gpt.img`

   ├── boot.img
   ├── gpt.img
   ├── idbloader.img
   ├── kernel.img
   ├── ......
   └── uboot.img

Installation you can use `tf card` or `emmc module`

[MicroSD Install Wiki.]( or

   $ sudo umount /dev/<Your device>*
   # mac os maybe not supprot progress
   $ sudo dd if=Image/gpt.img of=/dev/<Your device> bs=4M status=progress
   $ sync

through rockusb

  # on device u-boot
  # mmc 0 is your emmc module
  # mmc 1 is your tf card
  $ rockusb 0 mmc 1
  # on pc
  $ rkdeveloptool wl 0 Image/gpt.img


There may be some performance loss when using tf card