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< Rockpi4
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    ROCK Pi 4 >  Partitions

The official ROCK Pi 4 image uses GPT partition table for both Android and Linux.

Official Linux image partitions

| Part Number | Offset | Name    | Description                |
| ----------- | ------ | ------- | -------------------------- |
| 1           | 32KB   | loader1 | First stage loader         |
| 2           | 8MB    | loader2 | U-boot image               |
| 3           | 12MB   | trust   | ATF                        |
| 4           | 16MB   | boot    | Kernel partition, bootable |
| 5           | 128MB  | rootfs  | Rootfs                     |

Offset when writing using dd

   dd if=idbloader.img   of=/dev/sdx seek=64
   dd if=uboot.img       of=/dev/sdx seek=16384 
   dd if=trust.img       of=/dev/sdx seek=24576 
   dd if=boot.img        of=/dev/sdx seek=32768 
   dd if=rootfs.img      of=/dev/sdx seek=262144