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    ROCK 5 >  Working With Linux >  Debian

Work with ROCK 5 Debian

Introduction to ROCK 5 Debian

This guide is available for official ROCK 5 Debian images.

ROCK 5 Debian is an easy to use desktop system. While working with ROCK 5 Debian, you will find it do well on playing music, Internet, Bluetooth, AI and so on.

ROCK 5 Debian uses systemd to manage system.

Command prepended by $ means the command may be executed by an unprivileged user. And command prepended by # means the command may be executed by an privileged user. But the symbol, $ or #, is not part of the command.

List of boards supported

  • ROCK 5B

Access from the Host PC/Laptop

Option 1: Serial console

See Serial Console

Option 2: SSH

SSH server is enabled on port 22 of ROCK 5 default image.

Please use angryip to find your board IP address.

$ ping ip-of-device
$ ssh rock@ip-of-device

Debian Default User Account

Non-root User:

User Name : rock
Password  : rock


XFCE4 Desktop

Radxa APT

Radxa APT source includes stable one and testing one. Stable source includes stable packages while testing source includes latest but maybe unstable packages.

Radxa APT stable source is added by default while testing source is not added.

You can uncomment line like "deb buster main" in file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/apt-radxa-com.list to add testing source.

See file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/apt-radxa-com.list

deb buster main
deb buster main

After adding testing source, you need to update APT and install your needed packages.

$ sudo apt-get update

For more detail about Radxa APT, please see Radxa APT.

Upgrade necessary packages

Here is the example of upgrading rockchip-overlay and kernel packages.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install -y rockchip-overlay