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    ROCK 3 >  Development >  Build Debian

Rockchip Debian SDK

Below is the instructions of how to build image for ROCK 3 on a HOST PC.

Get the source code

You need Git to get multiple git repositories to build the image.

Install Git if you don't have it.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git

Clone the source code

git clone -b stable-4.19-rock3
cd rockchip-bsp
git submodule init
git submodule update

You will get

build  kernel  rkbin  rootfs  u-boot

Directories usage introductions:

  • build:
    • Some script files and configuration files for building u-boot, kernel and rootfs.
  • kernel:
    • kernel source code, current version is 4.19.193.
  • rkbin:
    • Prebuilt Rockchip binaries, include first stage loader and ATF(Arm Trustzone Firmware).
  • rootfs:
    • Bootstrap a Debian based rootfs, support architechture armhf and arm64, support Debian Jessie, Stretch and Buster.
  • u-boot:
    • u-boot as the second stage bootloader

Update the source code

The rockchip-bsp will be updated all the time, so you can update the source before building the system image.

cd rockchip-bsp
git checkout stable-4.19-rock3
git fetch origin
git rebase origin/stable-4.19-rock3
git submodule update

Install toolchain from Linaro

sudo tar xvf gcc-linaro-7.3.1-2018.05-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.xz  -C /usr/local/
export CROSS_COMPILE=/usr/local/gcc-linaro-7.3.1-2018.05-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-
export PATH=/usr/local/gcc-linaro-7.3.1-2018.05-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin:$PATH

Check if Linaro toolchain is the default choice:

which aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc

Install other build tools

sudo apt-get install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu device-tree-compiler libncurses5 libncurses5-dev build-essential libssl-dev mtools
sudo apt-get install bc python dosfstools

Build u-boot

Need to checkout branch to stable-4.19-rock3.

Build u-boot with default rock3a-rk3568_defconfig.

./build/ rock3a     #For ROCK 3A

The generated images will be copied to out/u-boot folder

ls out/u-boot/
idbloader.img  rk356x_spl_loader_ddr1056_v1.06.110.bin  spi  u-boot.itb

Build kernel

Need to checkout branch to stable-4.19-rock3.

Build kernel with default rockchip_linux_defconfig.

./build/ rock3a    #For ROCK 3A
Change kernel config(optional)

Optionally, if you want to change the default kernel config

cd kernel
export ARCH=arm64
export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
make rockchip_linux_defconfig
make menuconfig
cd ..
./build/ rock3a    #For ROCK 3A

You will get the kernel image and dtb file

ls out/kernel/
Image  rk3568-rock3a.dtb

Make rootfs image

Check out the rootfs source. The repository is and the branch is debian.

To build 32bit rootfs:

export ARCH=armhf

To build 64bit rootfs:

export ARCH=arm64

Building a base debian system by ubuntu-build-service from linaro.

cd rootfs
sudo apt-get install binfmt-support qemu-user-static cpio gdisk
sudo dpkg -i ubuntu-build-service/packages/*        # ignore the broken dependencies, we will fix it next step
sudo apt-get install -f
RELEASE=buster TARGET=desktop ARCH=arm64 ./

This will bootstrap a Debian Buster image, you will get a rootfs tarball named linaro-buster-alip-xxxx.tar.gz.

Building the rk-debian rootfs.

RELEASE=buster ARCH=arm64 ./

Creating the ext4 image(linaro-rootfs.img):


Combine everything into one image

build/ -c rk3568 -t system -r rootfs/linaro-rootfs.img

This will combine u-boot, kernel and rootfs into one image and generate GPT partition table. Output is


Flash the image



Check ROCK 3 FAQs first, if it doesn't help, start a new post on the forum