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Rock/windows adb

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Revision as of 03:40, 13 April 2020 by Hipboi (Talk | contribs)

The ROCK Pi stock android firmware has adb(Android Debugging Bridge) enabled by default. This page describes how to enable android adb debugging under windows.


  • a device running official Android image
  • a desktop/laptop running Windows(XP 32/64bit, Windows 7 32/64 bit)
  • USB cable to connect the device and PC

Install the adb usb driver

There two methods:

  • install with RK_DriverAssitant - The easy way, for Windows 10
  • install manually - For all Windows versions

Option 1: Install with RK_DriverAssitant tools

There’s no need to connect your Rockchip device during this procedure.Download and extract Rockchip Driver

Double click on DriverInstall.exe in RK_DriverAssitant directory to start the utility If you’ve already tried to install USB drivers for Rockchip devices, make sure to click “Uninstall Driver” first

RK Driver Assistant Install Uninstall.jpg

Then click “Install Driver”, and depending on your version of Windows the Security below may show up twice during installation. Just click “Install”

RK Driver Assistant Windows Security.jpg

Done. The drivers should be installed, and you’re ready to boot your device, or install or upgrade your firmware via USB.


Windows xp has some differences ,read the readme.txt in RK_DriverAssitant directory and do in accordance with it!

Option 2: Install manually

  1. Download the driver from and extract it.
  2. Booting your device into Android, and plug the USB cable to board your PC.
  3. When Windows prompts "Found New Device", points to the radxa_adb_driver folder, Windows will find the driver and install.

Install ADB tool

Option 1: Quick Install

Download the adb binaries, extract it somewhere such as the C:\ disk, that's it.

Option 2: Install with the android SDK(Full and latest)

To get adb under Windows, the official way is to install the android SDK provided by Google. The android sdk manager needs JDK to run. Download jdk from here. Install the jdk. Download the android windows sdk from Google here. Unzip it to somewhere in your hard drive such as C:\, now we have android sdk under C:\android-sdk-windows.

Double click the SDK Manager.exe, choose "Android SDK Tools" and "Android SDK Platform" and click "Install packages" button. SDK Manager will download the adb and other tools for you. The adb tool is under C:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools

Setup the environment

Right click on My Computer -> Property -> Advanced -> Environment, click user environment, New. Add an System variables named ANDROID_SDK_HOME and it's value is where you put your android sdk. Here we set it to "C:\android-sdk-windows". Note:the environment setting will be work after reboot

Setup the USB ID

Open the Windows CMD utility, type the following command.

   cd C:\android-sdk-windows            ; or where you put the android sdk
   mkdir .android                       ; create the "special" android folder

The open the C:\android-sdk-windows\.android folder in file explorer, and create a new empty file called adb_usb.ini, open adb_usb.ini and edit with text editor add the following content:


Save the file and exit.

Test adb

In CMD, type

   cd C:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools
   adb kill-server
   adb devices

You should see the device like below:

   List of devices attached
   16EM8P26M8      device