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Rock/Serial debug tools Setting

< Rock
Revision as of 06:13, 14 December 2013 by Hipboi (Talk | contribs)


This page describe how to set up and debug the radxa rock board via serial console.


Here we use putty as an example to show us how to set the serial debug tools.

Double click the Putty.exe, you will see the interface like:

Serial debug 0.png

Select the Serial, Fill the Serial line with the right serial port,and the Speed with 115200

Serial debug 2.png

You can get the serial port here:

Serial debug 1.png

Finish setting , Click Open the putty will work

Serial debug 3.png


Here we still use putty as an example. when start putty firstly you will see this interface:

Serial debug linux 0.png

Select the Serial, Fill the Serial line with the right serial port,and the Speed with 115200

Serial debug linux 1.png

How to get the serial port .First cat /proc/tty/drivers, to make sure is there driver support(radxa board is connected with pc via USB so the device name should be usbserial)

Serial debug linux 2.png

Here we find the line

usbserial            /dev/ttyUSB   188 0-253 serial  

which tell us the driver is ok, then cd /dev/ to confirm whether is there device named ttyUSB* . you can unplug and then plug the usb to get the right device.

Serial debug linux 3.png

Finish setting, Click Open the putty will work!

Serial debug linux 4.png


1、Under Ubuntu If you got the following error – “Unable to open connection to: Unable to open serial port“. you can see