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Rock/Getting Started

< Rock
Revision as of 10:34, 21 December 2013 by Hipboi (Talk | contribs)

Before start

Before start, you need to know what hardware revision of your board. Hardware revision is printed in the center of the top side of the board. There maybe slightly difference in instructions on different hardware revisions. Usually the difference can not be seen in instructions, but if there is, we will note.

radxa rock vs. radxa rock lite

The specification of the two versions are at:

Main difference is:

radxa rock: 2GB ram, 8GB nand flash, wifi and bluetooth

radxa rock lite: 1GB ram, 4GB nand flash, wifi only

The radxa rock package come with the following items:

  • a radxa rock main board
  • a USB to DC power cable
  • a wifi antenna
  • Optionally you can also buy the Full Transparent Case to protect the board better

You will also need the following to get the RR working.

  • A TV/monitor with HDMI interface or a TV with AV out interface
  • HDMI cable or AV out cable
  • Ethernet cable or use wifi
  • USB Keyboard/Mouse or USB wireless air mouse