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Revision as of 07:31, 24 September 2014 by Hipboi (Talk | contribs)

Radxa News

Official Announcement

New wiki skin powered by bootstrapskin


As you have noticed that we now have a new simple but beautiful skin for our wiki. The new skin is called bootstrapskin and it's brought us by the bootstrapskin team from uk. Lee and his team is really doing great work for the mediawiki skins. I found their skin by google "best mediawiki skin" and then someone recommends it on Quora. When i see the bootstrapskin website(of course it's mediawiki). It's exactly what i was looking for.

Android 4.4.2 preview image released


I am happy to announce the preview release of the Android KitKat 4.4.2 image for Radxa Rock.

Notes for this release:

This release is for Radxa Rock full version only, the lite version will have wifi problem It’s basically a full working release version, including: HDMI, Audio, Ethernet, Wifi/Bluetooth, USB host, uSD card Green led is on, blue led is off when system booting up The 13 key simple IR remote from radxa works out of the box Google play and other google service is not included in this release The default Android Launcher doesn’t look good in big monitor or TV, we are considering pre-install some cool launcher Pre-installed some apps developed by Rockchip Download:

radxa at maker fair in Shenzhen


Maker Faire is The Greatest Show and Tell on Earth. It’s the third Maker Faire in Shenzhen. Radxa, as one of the few open hardware start up in Shenzhen wouldn’t miss it. We will be at the booth C-21. We will show the kiosk based on radxa rock which can show triggered AD based on the audiences. And we will unveil some products from radxa upcoming…