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Rock/flash the image/zh cn

< Rock‎ | flash the image
Revision as of 05:32, 27 March 2014 by Buyadong (Talk | contribs)


这个页面描述怎么往Radxa Rock的NAND flash上装系统,即大家喜闻乐见的刷机. 你可以选择完全刷机(就是刷 update.img格式的固件)或者只刷特定的某个 分区. 你可以从radxa网站download下载radxa或者第三方 编译好的固件 或者制作你自己的固件.



   Radxa Rock是刷不死的,正如它的名字一样。除非你把硬件损坏了。


 * 一块Radxa Rock的开发板(全功能版本或者精简版本)
 * 一台运行windows XP/Windows 7(32位/64位)或者Linux(32位/64位)的计算机
 * 一根用于连接Radxa Rock开发板的OTG口和计算机USB口的microUSB线


Windows下烧写镜像的工具是由Rockchip提供的。你可以使用RKBatch Tool来烧写镜像文件 update.img,并使用RKDevelop Tool来烧写partitions配置文件 partitions。不过这两种工具都依赖于RK USB驱动,所以你首先需要根据以下步骤安装RK USB驱动:

Install driver


  1. 使用RKDriverAssistant tools安装 - 比较容易的方式
  2. 手动安装


使用RK Driver Assistant tools安装

在此安装过程中不需要连接Rockchip设备,只需要下载并解压,然后在RKDriverAssistant目录下的DriveInstall.exe上双击运行即可。 如果你之前为其他Rockchip设备安装过Rockchip USB驱动,确保首先点击"Uninstall Driver"。

RK Driver Assistant Install Uninstall.jpg

然后点击 “Install Driver” 。当安装完成时,关闭Radxa Rock开发板,并将开发板与你的计算机连接起来(使用MicroUSB线)(注意不要使用USB3.0接口),然后使开发板进入 recovery 模式,此时你的计算机将检测到开发板,并且你将在设备管理器中看到它。

RK Driver Assistant Install Usb driver.png



这里 下载( 文件,并解压该文件,关闭Radxa Rock开发板,然后使用MicroUSB线连接开发板和计算机,并让开发板进入 recovery 模式,然后你的计算机应该检测到开发板,同时你在设备管理器中会看到一个未知设备。

Flash image 1.jpg


Flash image 2.jpg


Flash image 2.5.jpg

选择浏览,并在弹出的窗口中找到之前下载并解压的 (文件夹,选择32/64位文件夹其中之一,然后点击OK来安装

Flash image 3.jpg


Flash image 6.jpg




  1. 使用 RKBatchTool (工厂用来升级固件的工具,只能烧写update.img,注意会擦除原有的任何东西)
  2. 使用 RKAndroidTool (开发工具,可以按区块烧写)

使用 RKBatchTool 烧写 update.img


Flash image 7.jpg

选择一个镜像(rockdev/update.img)。如果需要如何制作一个update.img文件的话,查看 update.img
Flash image 8.jpg

拔掉Radxa Rock开发板的电源,并使用MicroUSB线连接开发板与你的计算机,然后让开发板进入rock/recovery 模式 ,此时程序应该能检测到设备。
Flash image 9.jpg

Flash image 10.jpg


Using RKAndroidTool to falsh image by selection


Rkandroidtool flash image 1.png

拔掉Radxa Rock开发板的电源,连接开发板和计算机,并让开发板进入rock/recovery 模式 ,然后程序会自动检测到设备。

Rkandroidtool flash image 2.png


Rkandroidtool flash image 3.png

Rkandroidtool flash image 4.png



  1. 当你通过“./”打包镜像文件时,内核是包含在boot.img中的。详情请查看 Rock/Android_Build
  2. 你可以根据需要一次烧写一个或者多个镜像文件


RKBatchTool can not recognize the board

1.Recovery mode : USB device HW: VID_2207&PID_310B
2.Boot into Android: USB device HW: VID_2207&PID_0006

For Recovery mode
I have use manual install within recovery mode for PID_310B. The "Rockusb device" driver installed successfully on Vista but the RKBatchTool can not connect to the RK3188 board for img flashing.

For Recovery mode cannot connect issue [Solved]
Root Cause: RK3188 board is connected to laptop via USB 3.0 PMMCIA card. It's a USB2.0 to USB3.0 compatibility issue so switch USB 3.0 port to a USB 2.0 then the RKBatchTool should connect to the RK3188 board for img flashing.

Flashing failed

After flashing, the uart print

   DDR Version 1.04 20130517 In DDR3 300MHz Bus Width=32 Col=10 Bank=8 Row=15 CS=2 Die Bus-Width=16 Size=2048MB Memory OK OUT BUILD=====6 SdmmcInit=0 20 F:32 1061 0 0 40 FlashReadRetry error!!,row = fff000 FlashReadRetry error!!,row = fff000

and not boot.

If flashing failed, try to format the nand flash before flashing it.

  • RKAndroid tool - click "Erease IDB" button to format the nand flash
  • RK Batch tool - click "Restore" to format and then flash the image

Preparing IDB failed

This happens at upgrading bootloader, if you need to upgrade the bootloader or the update.img contains a new bootloader, you probably will meet this. The rock is "bricked". Follow this unbrick instructions to unbrick it.


Rockchip has provided tools for upgrading within Linux (closed source) since Android 4.4. It's called upgrade_tool. It supports update.img, parameter, bootloader and other partitions, and it's command line based.

rkflashkit is an open source GUI version flashing tool for rockchip devices. It can not flash bootloader or parameter, only supports kernel and other partitions, but it supports backup the partitions.

For developers: The initial RE work of the Rockchip bootloader updating protocol is by naobsd and has been improved by some in rkflashtool. linuxerwang has made a GUI version of the rkflashtool called rkflashkit. Please note: both rkflashtool and rkflashkit can not flash the rock/update.img and can only flash within rock/bootloader mode and not rock/mask rom mode because the rock/mask rom updating protocol is not RE yet. If you are interested in the RE protocol ping naobsd at #radxa on IRC. Since the rock/bootloader has remained unchanged for a long time it's enough for normal usage. If you don't know what this means, just ignore it.

Upgrade_tool from Rockchip

Download the Rockchip linux upgrade tool here. Unzip it and you will get a file called upgrade_tool which is a binary executable file under Linux.

Flash update.img

Let the board go to rock/recovery mode and run the following command to flash the rock/update.img:

   sudo ./upgrade_tool uf  /path/to/update.img          #(UF Upgrade Flash)

If you have an error with upgrading you can low level format the nand flash first with the following command:

   sudo ./upgrade_tool lf       #(LF Lowlevel Format) This will erase everything on nand

Flash parameter

   sudo ./upgrade_tool di -p /path/to/parameter    #(DI Download Image)

Flash bootloader

   sudo ./upgrade_tool ul /path/to/bootloader  #(UL Upgrade Loader)

Flash the kernel(boot.img)

   sudo ./upgrade_tool di -b /path/to/boot.img    #(DI Download Image)


There are other commands in the upgrade_tool, such as:

   UL: upgrade the loader
   EF: erease the nand flash

Rkflashkit with GUI

You can download the pre-built rkflashkit here or build it yourself with the following command:

   git clone 
   cd rkflashkit 
   ./waf debian 

And install it with the following command

   sudo apt-get install python-gtk2 
   sudo dpkg -i rkflashkit_0.1.1_all.deb

Run it with the following command

   sudo rkflashkit

You can see the interface looks like this:


Connect the Radxa Rock board to the computer and let the board go into rock/recovery mode you will then see the the program detect the board in recovery mode.

  1. Click the Nand partition and you will see the partitions of the board listed then choose the one you want to flash.
  2. Choose the location of the image you want to flash to that partition.
  3. Click the "Flash image" button and it will start flashing
  4. After it's finished click "Reboot Device" button to reboot the board.

Rkflashkit2.png Rkflashkit3.png

Install the image on RR without PC

If you want to write the image on RR without any other host PC, you can download the image and write with dd:

    sudo dd if=XXX.img of=/dev/block/mtd/by-name/XXX bs=16384 conv=sync,fsync