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    ROCK Pi N10 >  Development >  Install Libmraa 

Libmraa on ROCK Pi N10

This guide describes how to use libmraa on ROCK Pi N10.

Install essential packages

Package libmraa is in the Radxa APT bionic-stable and buster-stable repositories.

Execute the following commands to add Radxa APT

rock@rockpin10:~$ export DISTRO=bionic-testing      # for Bionic


rock@rockpin10:~$ export DISTRO= buster-testing      # for Buster
rock@rockpin10:~$ echo "deb$DISTRO/ ${DISTRO%-*} main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/apt-radxa-com.list

Get the pub key

rock@rockpin10:~$  wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -

Install essential packages:

rock@rockpin10:~$ sudo apt-get update
rock@rockpin10:~$ sudo apt-get install -y rockchip-overlay rockpin10-dtbo libmraa # libmraa version: >=0.4
rock@rockpin10:~$ sudo apt-get install -y linux-4.4-rockpin10-latest # ROCK Pi N10 kernel version: >= 4.4.167-14

Install compiler:

rock@rockpin10:~$ sudo apt install -y build-essential

Enable interface

See ROCK Pi N10 GPIO pintout. ROCK Pi N10 has a 40-pin colorful expansion header. Each pin is distinguished by color. mraa define is shown below:

Hardware V11

25 GPIO:

   PIN03      GPIO2_A7
   PIN05      GPIO2_B0
   PIN07      GPIO2_B5
   PIN08      GPIO4_C4
   PIN10      GPIO4_C3
   PIN11      GPIO4_C2
   PIN12      GPIO0_B1
   PIN13      GPIO4_C6
   PIN15      GPIO4_C5
   PIN16      GPIO0_B0
   PIN18      GPIO2_A6
   PIN19      GPIO1_B0
   PIN21      GPIO1_A7
   PIN22      GPIO3_D4
   PIN23      GPIO1_B1
   PIN24      GPIO1_B2
   PIN29      GPIO2_B2
   PIN31      GPIO2_B1
   PIN32      GPIO3_D5
   PIN33      GPIO2_D5
   PIN35      GPIO2_A4
   PIN36      GPIO2_A2
   PIN37      GPIO3_D6
   PIN38      GPIO2_A3
   PIN40      GPIO1_A2 

3 I2C:

   PIN27      I2C2_SDA
   PIN28      I2C2_SCL
   PIN29      I2C6_SCL
   PIN31      I2C6_SDA
   PIN3        I2C7_SDA
   PIN5        I2C7_SCL

1 SPI:

   PIN19      SPI1TX        //must disable UART4
   PIN21      SPI1RX        //must disable UART4
   PIN23      SPI1CLK
   PIN24      SPI1CSN


   PIN8       UART2_TX
   PIN10      UART2_RX
   PIN19      UART4_TX  //must disable SPI1
   PIN21      UART4_RX  //must disable SPI1

2 PWM:

   PIN11      PWM0
   PIN13      PWM1

1 ADC:

   PIN26      ADC_IN1          //the measure voltage must lower than 1.8v

For those ROCK Pi N10 system images released after March 1st, 2020, the configuration file is /boot/uEnv.txt. For more details, follow this guide, Device tree overlays.

For those ROCK Pi N10 system images released before March 1st, 2020, the configuration file is /boot/hw_intfc.conf.