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    ROCK 5 >  Guide >  Build Kernel on ROCK 5B

Build Kernel on ROCK 5B

Rockchip Debian SDK

Below is the instructions of how to build kernel for ROCK 5 on rock5 board.

Available boards:

  • ROCK 5B

Get the source code

You need Git to get multiple git repositories to build the image.

Install Git if you don't have it.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git

Clone the source code

mkdir ~/rk3588-sdk && cd ~/rk3588-sdk
git clone -b stable-5.10-rock5
git clone -b master
git clone -b debian

And you will get

build  kernel  rkbin  

Directories usage introductions:

  • build:
    • Some script files and configuration files for building u-boot, kernel and rootfs.
  • kernel:
    • kernel source code, current version is 4.19.193.
  • rkbin:
    • Prebuilt Rockchip binaries, include first stage loader and ATF(Arm Trustzone Firmware).

Install other build tools

sudo apt-get install device-tree-compiler libncurses5 libncurses5-dev build-essential libssl-dev mtools bc python dosfstools bison flex rsync

Build kernel

Need to checkout branch to stable-5.10-rock5.

Build kernel with default rockchip_linux_defconfig.

cd ~/rk3588-sdk
./build/ rk3588-rock-5b    #For ROCK 5B
Change kernel config

Optionally, if you want to change the default kernel config

cd ~/rk3588-sdk
cd kernel
make rockchip_linux_defconfig
make menuconfig
make savedefconfig
cp defconfig arch/arm64/configs/rockchip_linux_defconfig
cd ..
./build/ rk3588-rock-5b    #For ROCK 5B

You will get the kernel image and dtb file

ls out/kernel/
Image  rk3588-rock-5b.dtb

Build kernel deb package

Because the cross compiler is not used, this line needs to be deleted out in the file

KERNEL_MAKE ?= make \
ARCH=arm64 \

change to:

KERNEL_MAKE ?= make \
ARCH=arm64 \

The kernel package build can pack the kernel, device tree, modules and firmware into Debian packages, which makes it easier to install on the ROCK 5.

./build/ -d rockchip_linux_defconfig -r 10 # rockchip_linux_defconfig: kernel defconfig; 1: release number

The generated packages will be copied to out/packages directory.

ls out/packages/

When you want to install specified kernel packages to your OS, try the following steps.

# dpkg -i linux-image-5.10.66-10-rockchip-ge5013df5e066-dbg_5.10.66-10-rockchip_arm64.deb

After a while, you will find that some files are generated in the /boot directory.then you may modify the default boot kernel.

$ vim /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
default l0
menu title U-Boot menu
prompt 0
timeout 10

change to:

default l1
menu title U-Boot menu
prompt 0
timeout 10

Now,you can reboot your board.After entering the system, enter the following command to check whether the version is the same as the version you built

$ uname -r

Flash the image



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