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    ROCK 5 >  Installation >  Install the Image to SPI Nor Flash

Install the image to SPI Nor Flash from USB port

Rock 5 supports Maskrom mode, which is a special operation mode for CPU to wait for USB OTG port command. The PC tools we use to communicate with rock 5 in Maskrom mode are the rkdeveloptool and RKDevTool v2.92. We use the rkdeveloptool in Linux/macOS and the RKDevTool under Windows.


  • ROCK 5B
  • Linux image for ROCK 5B, Android image is not supported yet
  • type-c cable
  • SPI Nor Flash on board
  • Windows/linux/macOS PC

Install Tools&Drivers

Please check this guide, Install rockchip flash tools under Windows/Linux/MacOS PC.

Boot the board to Maskrom mode


To boot ROCK 5B to Maskrom mode is simple:

  • Power off the board.
  • Remove bootable device like MicroSD card, eMMC module, etc.
  • Press the golden (or silver on some board revisions) button and hold it.
  • Plug the USB-A to Type-C cable to ROCK 5B Type-C port, the other side to PC.
  • Release the golded button.
  • Check usb device
    • For macOS host: lsusb result: Bus 002 Device 032: ID 2207:350b Fuzhou Rockchip Electronics Co., Ltd. Composite Device
    • For Linux host: lsusb result: Bus 001 Device 112: ID 2207:350b Fuzhou Rockchip Electronics Company
    • For Windows host: Open RKDevTool and you would see the device is in Found One MASKROM Device.

Get RK3588 loader and U-Boot images


  • Download the loader image from:
  • Download the latest SPI image from:
    • release version with u-boot serial console disabled(Recommend)
    • debug version with u-boot serial console enabled(Use it when you need to troubleshoot booting issue)

Write U-Boot images to SPI Nor Flash or erase SPI Nor Flash


On your PC, run the rkdeveloptool

sudo rkdeveloptool ld
DevNo=1	Vid=0x2207,Pid=0x350b,LocationID=106	Maskrom

Download the loader (flash helper) to init the ram and prepare the flashing environment etc. If you don't have it, you can download it from here

sudo rkdeveloptool db /path/to/rk3588_spl_loader_v1.08.111.bin		 # will output:
Downloading bootloader succeeded.

Write SPI image to SPI Nor Flash on board.

You can use our pre-built files.

sudo rkdeveloptool wl 0 rock-5b-spi-image-g49da44e116d.img					
Write LBA from file (100%)

Reboot the device

rkdeveloptool rd

now, the device should boot on SPI Nor Flash. And the blue led is on.

Or If you want to update the image on the board, you need to enter the system, then enter the following command. If you don't have zero.img, download this one please. zero.img And extract it.

sudo dd if=zero.img of=/dev/mtdblock0
sudo dd if=rock-5b-spi-image-g49da44e116d.img of=/dev/mtdblock0


Double click the RKDevTool.exe and you will see the following interface: Double click the RKDevTool.exe and you will see the following interface:

Step 1: comfirm that ROCK 5B is in Maskrom mode

If your ROCK 5B is in maskrom mode and connects to PC, you can see that the program detects it, as the red arrow below

Step 2: Select Loader

Next, click the right last columns in the "Loader" row to select rk3588_spl_loader_v1.08.111.bin

Step 3: Select SPI image

Next, click the right last columns in the "spi" row to select spi-image.

Step 4: Excute

Finally, click the "Excute" button, and you will see the content in the red box on the right. When the progress reaches 100%, the download is completed.



Erase SPI Nor Flash


Please notice that when you want to erase SPI Nor Flash, fire these commands. If you don't have zero.img, download this one please. zero.img And extract it.

rkdeveloptool db rk3588_spl_loader_v1.08.111.bin
rkdeveloptool wl 0 zero.img
rkdeveloptool rd


Before Erasing, please comfirm that ROCK 5B is in Maskrom mode

Step 1: Download

Choose the "Advanced features" button, then select rk3588_spl_loader_v1.08.111.bin, next click the "Download" button

Step 2: Erase all

Click the "erase all" button

Step 3: Reboot device


Verify Loader version

Version is display on UART console when board starts, one of the very first lines (older vs updated):

DDR Version V1.07 20220412
DDR Version V1.08 20220617
