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Rock/Android Build

< Rock
Revision as of 08:01, 4 November 2013 by Hipboi (Talk | contribs)

Before start

Building AOSP(Android Open Source Project) for radxa rock is a huge task, it takes a lot of time and disk space. You can read the detail requirement of the machine on AOSP requirement page. The recommend building OS is Ubuntu 12.04 64bit. It takes about 35 minutes and 30G disk space on a intel 4770 processor(i7, quad core, 3.4Ghz) machine with 16G ram and SSD.

Initializing a Build Environment

  • Refer instructions from Google. Below is what we tested and set up the environment.

Get the source code

   git clone -b radxa-dev
   cd radxa_rock_android

Note: you need access to the private git server, send mail to for account.

Build the kernel

   export ARCH=arm
   cd kernel
   make rk3188_radxa_rock_defconfig
   make kernel.img #kernel.img is the normal kernel image with rockchip crc
   cd ..

Build android source code

   source build/
   lunch rk31sdk-eng
   make -j8

Generate the image


you will get kernel.img boot.img recovery.img system.img under rockdev/Image