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Rock/SD booting

< Rock
Revision as of 05:58, 21 June 2014 by PeiYao Wang (Talk | contribs)

This chapter introduces how to boot android(linux will be supported later) from sdcard.


1 Windows only

Because of the tool released by Rockchip is Windows only.

2 Android only

There are still some problems to resolve for linux.


1. A sdcard (4G at least)
2. A sdcard reader
3. Desktop running Windows

Get the boot_sdcard_image

The Image is just modified for upgrading android from sdcard. you can download from here
and then unzip it.

Make the Boot Disk under Windows

1. Download the tool to make upgrade disk and unzip it
2. Insert the reader to pc and insert the sdcard to reader
3. Find SD_Fireware_Tool.exe under SD_Fireware_Tool and click it. See PIC_1
4. Select the insert sdcard  under "Choose removable disk" Item. See PIC_1
5. Select "SD Boot" (Note:Select only this item). See PIC_1
6. Click "Firmware" button to choose the image just  download and unzip.See PIC_1
7. Click "Create" to begin. when complete, there will be a dialog to tell you success

Boot sdcard 1.jpg PIC_1

Boot system from sdcard

 1. Power off the RR
 2. Insert the sdcard
 3. Power on the RR, the process starts and the process likes the android system first boot.

Alternative way

here is alternative way to make bootable SD card. you can make bootable SD card on any OS, you can boot any OS from SD card.