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< Rock
Revision as of 12:39, 26 March 2014 by Mpps (Talk | contribs)

The cpu of Radxa Rock - RK3188 has two LCD controllers, LCD0 and LCD1. On RR, LCD1 is connected to HDMI and LCD0 is connect to AV out and the LCD0 signal are also exported on the extension header.

There is some sysfs interface exported to control the display related stuff. The following should work on both Android and Linux.

set display scale

   root@radxa:# cat /sys/devices/platform/rk-fb/graphics/fb0/scale
   xscale=95 yscale=95
   root@radxa:# echo xscale=100 >  /sys/devices/platform/rk-fb/graphics/fb0/scale
   root@radxa:# echo yscale=100 >  /sys/devices/platform/rk-fb/graphics/fb0/scale     
   root@radxa:# cat /sys/devices/platform/rk-fb/graphics/fb0/scale
   xscale=100 yscale=100

set HDMI output mode

you can see supported output modes by the following commands:

   root@radxa:# cat /sys/class/display/display0.HDMI/modes 

check out the current display mode

   root@radxa:# cat /sys/class/display/display0.HDMI/mode

It's 720p@60hz

change the mode to 1080p@60hz

   root@radxa:# echo 1920x1080p-60 > /sys/class/display/display0.HDMI/mode

Set font size of X and console

Change DPI to increase the font size in X

rock@radxa:~$ sudo nano ~/.Xresources

add the following lines:

! Xft settings 
Xft.dpi: 120
Xft.antialias: true
Xft.rgba: rgb
Xft.hinting: true
Xft.hintstyle: hintslight

Change the console settings:

rock@radxa:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup

Go through the setup: hit enter, hit enter, choose the font and hit enter, hit enter, choose size and hit enter

Switch to console via ctrl+alt+f1 and verify your settings:

root@radxa:~# setupcon

Find the best solution by repeating the console-setup...