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Rock/resize linux rootfs

< Rock
Revision as of 02:40, 5 January 2015 by Hipboi (Talk | contribs)

The default size of lubuntu firmware's roofts is about 2.0G, it's too small, you can do as follows to expends it. But there are two kinds of firmware, one is for nand,and another one is for sdcard. So you should use different method to do it

For Nand image

If you flash the image on nand flash, you can execute the below command on the terminal in the board's lubuntu system

 resize2fs /dev/block/mtd/by-name/linux-root

to expand the rootfs

For sdcard image

There are two methods to do this

On board run the script


a) need root permission

b) need execute "resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p1" after reboot (refer to the script below)

START_SECTOR=`cat /sys/block/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p1/start`
fdisk /dev/mmcblk0  << EOF


echo -e "\n\n\n
echo "!!!!!expands rootfs done! reboot system"
echo "!!!!!and run command "resize2fs  /dev/mmcblk0p1"  after reboot"
echo -e "=============================================================\n\n\n"

On pc ,use tools to resize the partations

you should put the sdcard into a card reader ,and put the card reader into PC and resize the partations

a) For PC with Linux

Use gparted

#sudo gparted  /dev/sdb

Wiki resize sd 1.jpg

Selete the partation of rootfs, change the size by input the new number or change the square frame by mouse

Wiki resize sd 2.jpg

unplug the reader and input the sdcard into board and reboot. you will see the rootfs's size has been changed

b) For PC with windows

//No useful methods has found.